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MEL is the largest paper recycling and cartonboard manufacturing company in Greece and one of the largest in Southeastern Europe. It designs, produces and markets recycled packaging paper, which is mainly produced from recycled paper as a raw material. In 1967, it started operations as one of the most modern factories in the world at that time and became part of the public sector in 1984. In 1998, following a public tender, the company returned to the private sector and since 2012 has been part of the multinational PAK GROUP, which is now the third largest cartonboard producer in Europe.
With continuous investments of several million euros, M.E.L. manages to be one of the largest paper companies in Europe, producing 120.000 tons of cartonboard annually, much of which is exported to dozens of countries around the world. M.E.L. is also the largest depolluter in the country and recycles almost 50% of the paper collected nationwide. With an advanced and environmentally friendly production process, M.E.L. has a clear 'green' ecological footprint that benefits the environment and society. With a specialized workforce of more than 210 employees, it is one of the largest employers in the Central Macedonia region with great social impact and work.
With a continuous upward trend for more than half a century, MEL is one of the most modern and dynamic Greek industries.