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CEO Greeting

Dr.Dimitrios Theocharis
Dr.Dimitrios Theocharis
Managing Director

The history of MEL depicts the history of Greek industry. With deep roots, MEL has been at the top of the cartonboard industry in Greece and the Balkans for years. MEL, as from 2012, is part of PAK GROUP, one of the leading groups in Europe, where it prospers.

Our strategy consists of high professionalism towards our clients and continuous improvement of our end products. After more than fifty years of experience, we are very proud of our most valuable assets, which is our stuff and our services. We focus on steadily increasing our production and quality and expanding our activity in new markets, by establishing new collaborations. MEL is an organization, in close contact to the financial and business environment, but also to the society, within the framework of ethical corporate governance.
MEL is moving forward with consistency and reliability, supporting our customers, in Greece and abroad. Having completed half a century of successful activity and being now part of a multinational group that is within the strongest in Europe, MEL looks to the future with optimism and confidence.

Best regards,
Dr.Dimitrios Theocharis