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A company that recycles!

  • MEL’s acute environmental awareness guides its intensive investment in environmentally sound behaviour.

    By investing, in 2014, €2,000,000 in biological cleaning processes and application of environmentally friendly paper production and processing systems.

    By optimising its water supply network to achieve an 11% reduction in water consumption.
    By constructing a new biomass combustion plant in 2015 to reduce CO2 emissions by 68%.

    By using exclusively recycled scrap paper as a raw material to save 30,500 tons of oil in its annual production.

    By becoming a part of the Pak Group family, thus ensuring high-quality working conditions for its employees and the upgrading of its technical equipment.

    By ensuring that 95% of the thermal energy it uses comes from renewable sources (biomass).

    By implementing an environmental investment plan since 2012 that amounts to €20,000,000.


The planet is already crying out for help. And major industries have a huge responsibility. MEL assumes its share and invests in actions that raise awareness of proper management of the planet's energy resources.

Education and raising children’s awareness of these issues are critically important. That is why our company reaches out to young people. It encourages primary and secondary schools to visit the company facilities. It is open to suggestions for joint actions to raise environmental awareness, while it actively takes part in Environment Days sponsored by the municipalities for local schools in the region.

By joining the large Pak Group family, MEL has expanded its potential for greater production, corporate responsibility with an environmental orientation, and for competitive pricing for quality products and services.
Fully aware of our important role in the global market, we are committed to excellent products, corporate dependability, respect for our customers and excellent working conditions for our employees.